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Audi - S3 ()

We are committed to bringing you the most comprehensive database of historical car prices. If you're shopping for a used Audi S3, or simply fascinated by the fluctuation of car prices over the years, we've got detailed pricing information to help you make articulate decisions. With our information at your fingertips, you can rest assured knowing whether the price you've been quoted is in line with the historical trends.

Below are the key specifications of the Audi S3 that might affect its price:

  • Year of Manufacture: Older models tend to be cheaper, but model upgrades might impact this.
  • Engine Type: The Audi S3 is equipped with a powerful 2.0L 4-cylinder TFSI engine, but any modifications may alter the cost.
  • Transmission: Depending on whether the Audi S3 is manual or automatic (S-Tronic), the price can fluctuate.
  • Mileage: Naturally, Audi S3s with less mileage run may command a higher price.
  • Car Condition: A well-maintained Audi S3 with minimal wear and tear would certainly cost more than a car in poor condition.
  • Additional Features: Features like a sunroof, upgraded sound system, navigation system, and leather upholstery can increase the Audi S3’s value.

Obviously, historical car prices are influenced by a variety of factors. Markets fluctuate, global and national economies affect overall car demand and value, new model releases can devalue older ones, and individual car condition is a major variable as well. However, having a detailed record of how prices have moved over time can give you a great starting point when it comes to negotiating or considering a price for an Audi S3.

We invite you to explore further for a more detailed understanding of Audi S3's historical price records on our website. Make an informed decision today!

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
4 years ago used £19,950.00 Unlock all links
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