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BMW - Other Models (1988)
Explore our vast repository for accurate historical car prices of the BMW Other Models 1988. Our comprehensive data pertaining to the historical prices of BMW models will enrich your knowledge and aid your decision-making process with confident and informed choices.
Understanding the different features of the BMW Other Models can greatly help you gauge its standing in the market. Here is an HTML list of specifications for the 1988 BMW Other Models:
- Make: BMW
- Model: Other Models
- Year: 1988
- Engine: Inline 6-cylinder
- Transmission: Options include 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic transmission
- Drive type: Rear Wheel Drive
- Body type: Coupe
- Seating: 4 to 5 passengers
- Fuel economy: 15 city / 23 highway mpg
Whether you're a car enthusiast, a collector, a dealer, or a potential buyer, historical prices can offer a wealth of information. Browse the extensive archive on our website to compare with the prevailing trends and get a proper understanding of the classic car market dynamics. This info can prove invaluable when negotiating deals, making bids, or deciding the right time-frame to buy or sell the BMW Other Models 1988.
Enhance your auto knowledge and purchasing prowess today by visiting our informative website. With our meticulous records, you'll have no difficulties finding valuable historical prices for the diverse range of BMW Other Models from 1988.
Last 20 car trackeds
Last tracked date | Status | Price | Price rank | Link |
3 years ago | used | £8,000.00 | Unlock all links | |
4 years ago | used | £9,000.00 | Unlock all links | |
4 years ago | used | £9,000.00 | Unlock all links | |
4 years ago | used | £9,000.00 | Unlock all links |