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Ferrari - Other Models (1985)

When you're looking for information on historical car prices, our website is the premier online destination. We provide data on a variety of models and years, including the timeless 1985 Ferrari Other Models. Known for its speed, luxurious design, and top-of-the-line engineering, the 1985 Ferrari Other Models is a classic vehicle sought after by car enthusiasts worldwide.

By exploring our extensive collection of data, you can discover the historical price of this iconic car. Whether you're a potential buyer, a seller, or a car fanatic, our in-depth information about the 1985 Ferrari Other Models and other cars is extremely valuable.

Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of key specifications for the 1985 Ferrari Other Models:

  • Make: Ferrari
  • Model: Other Models
  • Year: 1985
  • Engine: V8
  • Transmission: Manual
  • Body Style: Coupe
  • Drive Type: Rear Wheel Drive

These detailed specs can help you better understand the construction and capabilities of the 1985 Ferrari Other Models. Meanwhile, exploring its historical price trends on our site can give you a clearer picture of its market value over time.

At our website, we're not only committed to providing accurate historical car prices but also providing you with all the necessary details you need to make informed decisions. Don't miss out on finding the historical car price information of the 1985 Ferrari Other Models or any other vehicles of interest. Explore our website today for these details and much more.

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3 years ago used £109,995.00 Unlock all links
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