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Ford - Bronco Raptor (2023)
Explore the extensive historical data on car prices at our comprehensive website, tailored for automobile enthusiasts and potential car buyers. Gain valuable insights from the past while you plan your future car purchase. Today, we will be looking at the Ford Bronco Raptor 2023, an off-roading beast rife with modern features and classic charm.
The Ford Bronco Raptor 2023 is distinguished by its remarkable power, robust design, and innovative technology. Here’s a succinct list of the specifications that make this model stand out:
- Engine: It's powered by a 3.0L EcoBoost engine - an efficient and potent powerhouse.
- Performance: With 400 horsepower and 415 lb-ft of torque, the Bronco Raptor offers impressive performance.
- Transmission: It features a 10-speed automatic transmission for seamless gear transitions.
- Towing Capacity: With a towing capacity of 8,200 lbs, it's ideal for any adventure or heavy-duty task.
- Mileage: It offers a fuel-efficient ride with a combined MPG of 17 (14 city / 20 highway).
- Off-Road Capability: With its Trail Control™ for off-roading and Terrain Management System™ with G.O.A.T Modes™, it sets the pace in off-road adventure.
- Interiors: Luxurious interiors include a 12-inch LCD capacitive touchscreen and optional leather steering.
- Safety: It's equipped with Ford's state-of-the-art safety features, including Ford Co-Pilot360™ 2.0
Stay with us to chart the price history of the Ford Bronco Raptor 2023 and a host of other models. Our site excels in providing in-depth price analysis for a wide range of automobiles. You'll find historical car price database invaluable, whether you are a dealer, a reseller, or an aficionado attempting to track the price trend of your favorite models.
Our goal is to provide you with the most reliable and comprehensive data on historical car prices. In doing so, we hope to make your car-buying process simpler and more informed. So for the best historical car prices on the internet, continue to rely on us. Get ready to dive deep into the world of vehicles, starting with never seen before insights on the Ford Bronco Raptor 2023!
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