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Ford - Econoline Commercial Cutaway (2006)
Explore our extensive database to discover the historical prices of the Ford Econoline Commercial Cutaway 2006 model. This widespread model from Ford is recognized for its robust performance and exceptional value for money, especially in the commercial sector.
Ford Econoline Commercial Cutaway 2006 Specifications:
- Make: Ford
- Model: Econoline Commercial Cutaway
- Year: 2006
- Engine: 5.4L Triton V8
- Transmission: 4-speed Automatic Overdrive
- Fuel Economy: City 14/Hwy 17/Comb 15 MPG
- Body Style: Commercial Van
- Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive
- Seating Capacity: Two-seater with modified cargo area
With our website, you can gain insights into the historical sales patterns, price fluctuations, and depreciation rates associated with the Ford Econoline Commercial Cutaway 2006. By analyzing these factors, you can make an informed decision on your vehicle purchase or sale.
From the powerful 5.4L Triton V8 engine to its spacious cargo area, the Ford Econoline Commercial Cutaway 2006 has much to offer. Delve into our comprehensive database and discover the historical price for this model and many more.
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3 years ago | used | US$10,990.00 | Unlock all links |