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Ford - F-350 Super Duty (2001)
Explore an extensive database of historical car prices with us, a website dedicated to helping users understand past and present car values. This time, we focus on a classic, the Ford F-350 Super Duty from 2001.
This powerful and reliable truck has been a favorite among truck enthusiasts and for a good reason. Its impressive durability, performance, and advanced features make it a top choice. Following is an HTML list of specifications for the noteworthy Ford F-350 Super Duty 2001, designed for users who want an in-depth understanding of this amazing machine before knowing its historical price and possibly making a purchase decision.
- Make: Ford
- Model: F-350 Super Duty
- Year: 2001
- Body Style: Truck
- Engine: 5.4L V8 SOHC 16V
- Horsepower: Up to 260 hp
- Torque: Up to 350 lb-ft
- Transmission: 4-Speed Automatic/ 5-Speed Manual
- Drive Train: Rear-Wheel Drive/ Four-Wheel Drive options available
- Towing Capacity: Up to 13,400 lbs
- Payload: 2,610 to 5,800 lbs
- MPG: Up to 15 city / 18 highway
- Fuel Tank Capacity: 29.0 gal
- Curb Weight: 5,667 to 6,948 lbs
- Dimensions: 80-81" W x 76-81" H x 232-248" L
The Ford F-350 Super Duty 2001, with the above specifications, offers powerful performance and advanced capabilities. Visit our site for historical pricing data, which can be very enlightening for those interested in understanding the value progression of this superb vehicle.
Stay with us as we continue to offer precise and detailed historical price data coupled with comprehensive vehicle specs lists that car enthusiasts and potential buyers will find invaluable.
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1 year ago | used | US$29,990.00 | Unlock all links |