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Ford - F-450 Super Duty (1997)
Are you looking to research the historical prices of the Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997? Look no further than our website. We have comprehensive historical car price data dedicated to the iconic Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997 and many other cars. Researching car prices especially for vintage models like the Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997 can be a daunting task, but our website makes it easy, reliable, and accurate. Here's a brief about the Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997.
- Brand: Ford
- Model: F-450 Super Duty
- Year: 1997
- Body style: Standard Cab Pickup
- Drive type: Rear wheel drive
- Transmission: 5-Speed Manual
- Engine: 7.3L V8 DI diesel engine
- Fuel economy: 12 city / 19 highway MPG
Whether you're a car enthusiast interested in car history, a buyer searching for a used car, or a seller who wants to determine the best price, our historical price data for cars including the Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997 will prove to be invaluable. Navigate through our site to find the historical prices of this model and many others.
Our web history provides comprehensive information about the specifications and data points you need to make an informed decision. Understanding the pricing trends can help you get the best deal possible when buying or selling a 1997 Ford F-450 Super Duty. By checking historical prices, you'll get an idea of how much you should pay for a used 1997 Ford F-450 or at what price you should sell. Don't forget to bookmark our page for all your needs related to the Ford F-450 Super Duty 1997 historical price.
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Last tracked date | Status | Price | Price rank | Link |
1 year ago | used | US$15,995.00 | Unlock all links |