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Ford - Focus (2006)
Looking for the historical price of the Ford Focus 2006? Our website offers a comprehensive list of past and present values for a wide variety of cars. The Ford Focus 2006 is a popular choice among car enthusiasts and regular drivers, providing excellent performance and reliability over the years. Below, you'll find an HTML structure list detailing the specs of the Ford Focus 2006.
- Maker: Ford
- Model: Focus
- Year: 2006
- Body Style: Available in Sedan, Hatchback, Wagon
- Engine: 2.0 L DuraTorq TDCi I4 Diesel or 2.0L Duratec 20 I4 Petrol
- Transmission: 5-speed Manual or 4-speed Automatic
- Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
- MPG: 26 City, 34 Highway
- Interior features: Updated dashboard and controls, audio system with CD player, tilt/telescoping steering wheel
- Safety features: Anti-lock brakes, front-seat side airbags, full-length curtain-type airbags
Knowing the historical price trends and technical specifications of the Ford Focus 2006 can help you make an informed decision when buying or selling such a model. Continue exploring our website to discover more detailed pricing history for other years and models of Ford Focus and many other vehicles. Remember, historical car prices can also be an indicator of a vehicle's reliability and ongoing maintenance costs.
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