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Ford - Transit Cargo Van (2017)
If you're searching for historical price data on the Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017, you're in the right place. Our website is your one-stop destination for historical car prices, offering extensive information about the value trends of a diverse range of vehicles, including the Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017. Here, you can gain insights into how the price of this popular cargo van has evolved over time, which will help you make an informed decision if you plan to buy or sell one.
In addition to valuable pricing data, we also provide comprehensive specifications. Below are some significant technical details about the Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017, which might interest you.
- Engine: 3.7-liter V-6 (regular gas).
- Transmission: 6-speed automatic with OD and auto-manual.
- Drivetrain: Rear-wheel Drive.
- Body Style: Cargo Van.
- Towing Capacity: Up to 5100 lbs.
- Seats: 2.
- Fuel Economy: 14/18 mpg(city/highway).
As a reliable source of historic car prices and technical details, our website is equipped to assist you in assessing the Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017 for your business or personal needs. Whether you’re interested in understanding its price depreciation over time or comparing it with its competitors, we make it easy for you.
Give us a try. Dig into the historical price data of the Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017, delve into its unique specifications, compare it with other similar models, and make the best decision for your needs. With all this data at your fingertips, buying or selling your Ford Transit Cargo Van 2017 has never been easier.
Last 20 car trackeds
Last tracked date | Status | Price | Price rank | Link |
3 years ago | used | US$16,942.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | US$19,993.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | US$23,995.00 | Unlock all links |