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Land Rover - Series (1968)
Explore the extensive historical database on our website and find out about the evolution of car prices. We have a detailed data chart for a variety of models, including the iconic 1968 Land Rover Series. Understanding the historical car prices is a great perspective for vintage car enthusiasts and avid collectors. Plus, it offers valuable insight for those interested in the car market dynamics.
The 1968 Land Rover Series is most notable for its capability and sturdy built. Here are the key specifications of this timeless model:
- Make: Land Rover
- Model: Series
- Year: 1968
- Body Style: SUV
- Engine: 2.3L petrol or 2.6L petrol
- Transmission: 4-speed manual
- Drive Type: Four wheel drive (4WD)
- Door Count: 2 or 4 doors depending upon body type
To understand how the value of this iconic vehicle has changed over time, dive into our historical car prices database. We provide accurate and comprehensive price histories for an array of models, including the 1968 Land Rover Series. Whether you are a potential investor in the vintage car market, an enthusiast seeking knowledge, or a classic car collector, our historical car prices data will undoubtedly be valuable to you.
So browse through the archives and gain a better understanding of the 1968 Land Rover Series car prices history. Join our community of car lovers and discover the story behind the value of various historical and classic cars.
Last 20 car trackeds
Last tracked date | Status | Price | Price rank | Link |
3 years ago | used | £7,995.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | £9,850.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | £0.00 | Unlock all links | |
4 years ago | used | £12,995.00 | Unlock all links | |
4 years ago | used | £12,995.00 | Unlock all links |