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If you're exploring the historical car prices for Mercedes-Benz models, particularly the Mercedes-Benz C Class AMG 2009, you've landed on the right page. Our website maintains an extensive archive of data detailing the historical prices of vehicles, with special emphasis on renowned brands like Mercedes-Benz. To help you understand the value proposition of the Mercedes-Benz C Class AMG 2009, we've compiled a detailed list of its specifications.
- Model: Mercedes-Benz C Class AMG 2009
- Engine: 6.2L V8
- Power Output: 451 HP / 443 lb-ft.
- Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
- Transmission: 7-speed automatic
- MPG: 14 city / 20 highway
- Vehicle Type: Sedan
- Seating Capacity: 5 passengers
- Body Style: Four-door sedan
This list of specs for the Mercedes-Benz C Class AMG 2009 gives a comprehensive idea about the vehicle's performance and features. As you navigate through the historical car prices here, it's essential you keep these noteworthy specifications in mind. They are a determining factor in understanding the pricing trends for this iconic Mercedes-Benz model. Use our website as your go-to hub to root out the best information on historical car values, and ensure you're making an informed buy or sell decision.
Looking to compare the Mercedes-Benz C Class AMG 2009 with other vehicles from the same year or other Mercedes-Benz models? We've got you covered; we maintain a robust database of historical car prices for a range of brands, models, and years. Dive in, explore, and reshape the way you deal with cars.
Last 20 car trackeds
Last tracked date | Status | Price | Price rank | Link |
1 year ago | used | £23,990.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | £20,990.00 | Unlock all links | |
3 years ago | used | £18,950.00 | Unlock all links |