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Mercedes-Benz - Clase E (1999)

If you're looking for historical prices for the Mercedes-Benz Clase E 1999, you've come to the right place. We offer a comprehensive list of car prices dating back numerous years, helping you to discern patterns and make informed decisions whether you're a buyer, seller, or automobile enthusiast.

The Mercedes-Benz Clase E 1999 stands out for its renowned craftsmanship, appealing style, and commendable performance. Below are some key specifications for the Mercedes-Benz Clase E 1999:

  • Make: Mercedes-Benz
  • Model: Clase E
  • Year: 1999
  • Engine: Comes with multiple options ranging from a 2.4L 4-cylinder gasoline engine to a 5.4L V8 engine
  • Transmission: 5-speed automatic
  • Body Style: Sedan, Wagon
  • Fuel Economy: Estimated 17-21 MPG in the city and 24-30 MPG on the highway

For more information on the Mercedes-Benz Clase E 1999, along with the historical price trends, be sure to explore more on our website. We continuously update our data to ensure accuracy and reflect the current market trends. Browse through our site for information on different car makes and models, to guide your purchases and sales. Our records of historical car prices are presented in easy-to-understand visual formats for your convenience.

Remember, understanding the historical prices of vehicles like the Mercedes-Benz Clase E 1999, can help provide critical insights into the market. Whether you're aiming to purchase an old Mercedes-Benz Clase E or need to set a price for selling yours, our website provides all the necessary data in one place.

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4 years ago used €1,800.00 Unlock all links
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