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Mercedes-Benz - CLK 200 (2006)

If you are passionate about the history of car prices, our platform has a wealth of information for you. We pride ourselves on providing accurate figures for historical car prices, including iconic models like the Mercedes-Benz CLK 200 2006. The complexities of model pricing are simplified in our database to help you get an accurate and comprehensive understanding of what these vehicles were worth at various points in time.

The Mercedes-Benz CLK 200 2006 is an illustrious vehicle that represents the sophistication, style, and performance characteristic of the Mercedes-Benz brand. With its blend of luxury and performance, it's no wonder why it has a considerable following among car enthusiasts all around the globe.

Let's dive into some key specifications of the Mercedes-Benz CLK 200 2006 model:

  • Engine: 1.8 L I4 supercharged, providing a smooth yet powerful drive.
  • Transmission: Available in both 6-speed manual and 5-speed automatic, catering to different driving preferences.
  • Performance: With 184-horsepower, it delivers impressive speed and acceleration.
  • Body Style: Available in both coupe and convertible body styles, it showcases its versatility in the market.
  • Length: With a length of 4646mm, it offers ample space for passenger comfort.
  • Weight: The CLK 200 2006 weighs at around 1500 kg, maintaining lightness in its class.
  • Fuel Economy: It yields a combined MPG of approximately 29.7 for efficient driving.

Technical specs like these provide insight into the Mercedes-Benz CLK 200 2006’s performance and value over a decade ago, influencing its historical price. Trust our website for accurate historical price information for such standout models and more. Delve into the captivating world of car price history with us and satisfy your curiosity about vintage and contemporary vehicle pricing trends.

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2 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €7,300.00 Unlock all links
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