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Mercedes-Benz - Sprinter (2010)

Welcome to our dedicated page for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2010. A deep-dive exploration into its historical prices, factors influencing its market value, and a comprehensive list of technical specifications.

Our database provides a rich source of information to enable prospective buyers and vintage car enthusiasts to better understand the market trajectory of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2010. If you're a fan of this iconic model or simply wish to make an informed decision before securing your next automobile investment, you've come to the right place.

Below we provide a detailed list of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2010 specifications:

  • Manufacturer: Mercedes-Benz
  • Model: Sprinter
  • Year: 2010
  • Engine: 3.0 L V6 Diesel/ 3.5 L V6
  • Transmission: 5-speed automatic/ 6-speed manual
  • Bodystyle: Van
  • Drivetrain: Rear-wheel drive/RWD 4x4
  • MPG: Up to 19 city/ 26 highway
  • Weight: Approx. 5,059 to 7,489 lbs
  • Dimensions: 232-289″ L x 80″ W x 96-110″ H

Keep in mind that prices for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2010 can vary based on factors such as mileage, condition, location, and unique features. Use our site to stay updated on the latest market trends and fluctuations for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2010 and other popular models.

Explore our website for more information on historical car prices, enabling you to make the most educated decision when it comes to purchasing your next vehicle.

Historical price for Mercedes-Benz - Sprinter (2010)1000010000800080006000600040004000200020002021-07-182021-07-182021-09-262021-09-262021-11-212021-11-212021-12-052021-12-052021-12-122021-12-122021-12-192021-12-192022-01-022022-01-02

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