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Nissan - 200SX/Silvia (2000)

Explore the historical car prices of the Nissan 200SX/Silvia 2000 on our platform. We bring you a comprehensive database of past and present car prices so you can make more informed decisions when buying or selling a vehicle. Our well-curated data is not just limited to car prices, but also includes detailed specifications of multiple models such as the Nissan 200SX/Silvia 2000.

Here we present a list of specifications for Nissan 200SX/Silvia 2000:

  • Make and Model: Nissan 200SX/Silvia
  • Year: 2000
  • Body Style: Coupe
  • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged Inline 4
  • Transmission: 5-Speed Manual or 4-Speed Automatic
  • Drive Type: Rear wheel drive
  • Fuel Type: Unleaded Petrol
  • Seating Capacity: 4 seats
  • Mileage: 12.1 City / 8.0 Highway (MPG)

In addition to the Nissan 200SX/Silvia 2000, our website boasts a comprehensive collection of car models from various brands. Searching for historical data on car prices has never been easier. Visit our website today for precise and reliable data on car prices to streamline your car buying or selling experience.

When it comes to historical car prices and in-depth car specifications, our website is your trusted source for comprehensive and accurate information. Experience the convenience and ease of finding all the information you need in one place.

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Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used £12,995.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £12,995.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £12,995.00 Unlock all links
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