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Nissan - Primera (2004)

If you're seeking comprehensive data including the historical price of the Nissan Primera 2004, you've found your one-stop destination. Our website provides not only the past prices but also detailed specifications of this popular make and model. Understanding the specs of the Nissan Primera 2004 can give you a greater comprehension of its value over time.

The Nissan Primera, from model year 2004, has specific attributes that make it uniquely identifiable. Below, we have compiled a list of the Nissan Primera 2004 car specifications:

  • Manufactured by: Nissan
  • Model: Primera
  • Year: 2004
  • Body type: Available in sedan, hatchback, and estate/wagon
  • Engine: 1.6 liter petrol, 1.8 liter petrol, 2.0 liter petrol, or 2.2 liter diesel
  • Transmission: 5-speed manual, 4-speed automatic, or 6-speed manual
  • Fuel Efficiency: Around 40mpg on average
  • Seats: Comfortably seats up to 5 people
  • Safety features: Anti-lock brakes, driver and passenger airbags, and side airbags

The Nissan Primera 2004 is recognized for its exceptional comfort, handling, and fuel economy, making it a popular choice for families and commuting professionals alike. When considering purchasing a used vehicle or estimating the current value of your Nissan Primera 2004, accurate historical price data is indispensable. Discover our database for more informative car history and price details.

Let our website be your guide to comprehensive historical car prices and detailed specifications, like the Nissan Primera 2004 and many more car models.

Historical price for Nissan - Primera (2004)30003000250025002000200015001500100010005005002020-09-102020-09-102020-09-112020-09-112020-09-122020-09-122020-09-132020-09-132020-09-172020-09-172020-09-182020-09-182020-09-192020-09-192020-09-272020-09-272020-10-042020-10-042020-10-112020-10-112020-10-252020-10-252020-11-012020-11-012020-11-082020-11-082020-11-152020-11-152020-11-292020-11-292020-12-062020-12-062020-12-132020-12-132020-12-202020-12-202020-12-272020-12-272021-01-032021-01-032021-10-172021-10-17

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