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Nissan - Stagea (2001)

Welcome to our site where we specialize in providing comprehensive historical car prices. Today, let’s delve into the historical prices and specifications of the legendary Nissan Stagea 2001, a desirable classic among car enthusiasts.

The Nissan Stagea, first introduced in 2001, is a powerful wagon-type automobile sought after for its unique design and competitive features. Let's explore the awe-inspiring specifications that make Nissan Stagea 2001 an excellent choice for any car enthusiast.

  • Make and Model: Nissan Stagea 2001
  • Body Type: 5-door station wagon
  • Drive Train: Rear-wheel drive (RWD) / Four-wheel drive (4WD)
  • Engine: RB series I6/ VQ series V6
  • Power Output: Up to 276 bhp
  • Transmission: 4-speed automatic / 5-speed manual
  • Fuel Type: Petrol
  • Dimensions: (L*W*H : 4700*1750*1535) mm
  • Weight: 1560-1600 kg

Our website provides a comprehensive database of historical car prices, including the Nissan Stagea 2001. By keeping track of market values, changes in prices, and overall trends, we empower our users with valuable information to guide their purchasing decisions.

Whether you're a car enthusiast aiming to add a Nissan Stagea 2001 to your collection, or simply curious to learn historical car prices, we've got you covered. Dive deep into our database and explore the abundant world of car history, models, and price evolution.

Remember, knowledge is power, especially when considering a classic like the Nissan Stagea 2001. Arm yourself with historical car prices and make an informed decision today.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used £2,950.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £2,950.00 Unlock all links
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