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Porsche - 911 GT3 [992] (2023)

If you're seeking for the most accurate historical car prices, you've come to the right place! Our website is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive pricing data for a vast array of vehicles, including the Porsche 911 GT3 [992] 2023. Find out all details and specifics about this stunning model below:

  • Car model: Porsche 911 GT3 [992]
  • Year: 2023
  • Engine: 4.0L 6 Cylinder
  • Horsepower: 502 hp
  • Torque: 346 lb-ft
  • Transmission: 7 Speed Dual-Clutch
  • Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
  • Body Style: Coupe
  • Top Speed: 198 mph
  • Acceleration (0-60mph): 3.2 seconds
  • Fuel Economy (city/highway):15/20 mpg

Interested in the historical prices for the Porsche 911 GT3 [992] 2023? Browse through our website's extensive range of data to find accurate and up-to-date information. As a go-to platform for car enthusiasts, we aim to provide detailed and accurate historical pricing data. Whether you're buying, selling, or just a lover of cars, our website is sure to help you in the exciting journey of motors.

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